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I began water running when I was training for my first marathon in 2003. I was injured and my physio recommended trying water running to get me through the training without  injuring myself further. It worked and I was hooked! I started coaching my first marathon runner in 2010 and persuaded her to try water running and reduce her land run load per week.  Water running became her cross training days and she successfully completed her marathon uninjured. Since then she has run many more marathons without injury using the same program.

I have coached several runners in the same way since then with very successful outcomes. I had surgery on my knee many years ago and to get fit for the surgery did water running in the weeks leading into surgery, then as soon as I was cleared was back doing water running to help with mobility in that knee and keep my fitness up whilst in rehabilitation. My surgeon said it was the best knee post surgery recovery he has ever seen. It was due to the water running. I have now worked with many clients pre and post surgery with similar results.


This is how AquaSparke came about. I want to share this success with others.

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